Practice News
NHS Online Account
We have been advised that 59% of our patients aged 13+ are now registered for the NHS App/ NHS Online Account.
Patients can either download the NHS App on mobiles or tablets, or log-on to their pc using a browser.
Log in to your account to:
- order repeat prescriptions
- book and manage appointments
- get health information and advice
- view your health record securely
- view your NHS number
For more information on how to sign up visit
RSV Vaccination from September 2024
A vaccine to help protect against RSV will be available on the NHS from 1 September 2024.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of coughs and colds. It usually gets better by itself, but it can be serious for some babies and older adults.
You'll be able to get the vaccine if:
- you're aged 75 to 79
- you're 28 weeks pregnant or more – this will help protect your baby for the first few months after they're born
If you're aged 75 to 79, your GP surgery will contact you about getting vaccinated. Please wait to be contacted.
From September, you can speak to your maternity service or GP surgery about getting your RSV vaccination if you're 28 weeks pregnant or more.
Funding From The Naturesave Trust
Penryn Surgery have enhanced their collection of re-usable equipment with the purchase of four sets of instruments for use in their coil fitting and removal clinics. These have been provided with a generous grant from the Naturesave Trust.
Dr Christine Dunne said ‘Having enough equipment that can be sent for sterilization after each procedure, makes a huge impact reducing the amount of single-use plastic we use in our weekly clinics. These instruments replace plastic items that had to be disposed of after each patient and were not in keeping with our ‘Greener Practice’ aims and policy.’
The Practice has achieved their ‘Gold Award‘ in the Green Impact for Health Scheme. This scheme is part of the United Nations award-winning Green Impact programme designed to support environmentally and socially sustainable practice within organisations. The toolkit is being used by over 1400 General Practices across the UK.
The Naturesave Trust is funded by the activities of Naturesave Insurance, the UK's leading ethical insurance provider for individuals, businessess, charities and community groups.
Photo shows R-L: Dr Christine Dunne - GP Partner, Claire Coleman - Assistant Manager , Dr Louise Sworn – GP Registrar
Autumn 2023 Flu Vaccinations
We don't want to wish the summer away but we're already looking ahead and planning our flu clinics which will take place in September.
Please don't call us, patients will be invited towards the end of August.
We invite eligible patients by text and email wherever possible, so please ensure we have your current mobile number and email address. Update them here
You will be able to book direct into the clinics from the link in your invitation.
Patients who don't have electronic contact details on record will receive a letter. However, in line with our Greener Practice values, we would prefer not to use more paper or carbon than necessary
Switchboard Changes
Safe Surgery
We're a parkrun practice!
As part of our Active Practice Charter, we've joined with the Penryn campus parkrun to encourage our staff teams and our patients to take part in the weekly parkrun event on Saturday mornings.
For more information on the health benefits of parkrun, volunteering or just turning up to support, visit our Parkrun page