
Asthma & COPD
At Penryn, we have a nurse led clinic for patients with Asthma and COPD.
The clinic provides an opportunity to help improve the management of your condition.
At the clinic the nurse will be able to try and answer any questions you may have about your asthma or COPD. They will be able to teach you the correct way to use your inhaler and find an inhaler which suits you best. They will help you take control of your condition, advising you on self management and what to do if you become more unwell.
In order to diagnose and monitor these breathing conditions in the clinic, the nurses may ask you to do some special blowing tests called “Spirometry”.

Cervical Screening
Our nurses are trained to do all they can to put you at ease during your appointment and are on hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have. However, whether you attend your screening or not, is ultimately your choice.
If you’re due to have a cervical screening, you’ll receive an invite letter in the post. Don’t ignore it, book your cervical screening here today.
If you missed your previous appointment or are unsure if you are due a screening, please contact us and we will book you an appointment if you’re due.

Chronic Disease Monitoring
Patients with certain long term illnesses, such as high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney disease will be invited to attend an annual check. The invite will be sent out in the month of your birth. This is an important opportunity to monitor you long term conditon by checking things such as blood pressure and monitoring blood tests. This is important in order for us to continue prescribing the medication for these conditions. We will often ask patients to bring a urine sample with them. It would also be helpful to bring some home BP readings as some patients find their BP can be artificially high on the day of their appointment.

There are many different types of contraception available now and it is important to find one that you get along with and which suits you and your lifestyle. You can make an appointment to discuss contraception with either a doctor or a nurse at the surgery or the branch surgeries.
If you would like a contraceptive implant or a coil fitted, we are able to do this at Penryn Surgery. Please book an initial consultation with a female doctor to discuss your contraceptive options. When booking your actual fitting appointment please advise the receptionist what you are having done as you will need a longer appointment and only certain clinicians can do these insertions.
Contraception is free. All appointments are confidential and under 16s are welcome.
Emergency Contraception - the 'morning after pill' is available for free for under 25's from most pharmacies or visit
If you are over 25 you can still access the morning after pill on prescription from the Sexual Health Cornwall or from most pharmacies at a cost of around £25.
If you need emergency contraception out of normal daytime hours phone NHS111
To find out more about these methods go to: emergency contraception advice

Diabetes Clinic
At Penryn we have a nurse led diabetes clinic. The clinic is an opportunity to help improve the management of your condition.
At the clinic the nurse will try to answer any questions you might have about your diabetes. They will also be able to provide advice on ways to improve the management of your condition, for instance with diet, exercise and medication.
Usually you will have an appointment about 2 weeks before the clinic appointment for blood tests to be taken. The blood tests are used to monitor the diabetes and see how well controlled your glucose level has been over the last few months.

Health Visitor/Parenting and Immunisations
All families with children under 5 years have a named health visitor. Helen Keen is the allocated Health Visitor for Penryn Surgery.
Health visitors also provide health information, advice and support for all age groups and have a special interest in health promotion. They can be contacted on 01872 323055.
Childhood Immunisations - If your child is due an immunisation, you should be sent a reminder from the practice. For children at secondary school this will come from the school. Please book an appointment with the practice nurse for immunisations or follow the instructions given by your child's school. Immunisations prevent serious diseases. For more information on the immunisations and the diseases they prevent visit:

Maternity Services
If you are pregnant you will initially have a “booking” appointment with the midwife. Visit for more information.
You should register with the midwives by self-referring here or phone 07557 172389 to set up your digital maternity record. Please also read the following document: Maternity Registration
The booking appointment is usually at about 8-10 weeks of your pregnancy. The appointment takes about an hour and can take place at your home or at the clinic.
The midwives can be contacted by ringing them on their direct line at Falmouth Hospital 01326 430070. In an emergency the midwives can be contacted 24/7 on 01872 258000
If you have found out you are pregnant and are unsure what to do, please click here.

Minor Surgery and Joint Injections
Several of our GPs perform minor surgery for certain skin lesions. Please arrange an appointment with a GP if you wish to discuss this further and they can make the necessary arragements if required.
The surgery also offers joint injections for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. These are often a steroid injection +/- local anaesthetic. Please arrange an appointment with one of our GPs to discuss any requests for an injection.

Do you have any of the following symptoms?
Neck & Back pain, sciatica, headaches, postural pain, whiplash, leg pain related to the back, arm pain related to the back, spinal osteoarthritis or peripheral nerve pain then a referral to a physiotherapist may be appropriate.
Physiotherapy is a treatment that aims to restore your normal movement, reduce pain and improve overall function. To do this a physiotherapist will ensure your body's muscles, nerves and ligaments are all working effectively together.
You can book to see our First Contact Physios at the surgery without speaking to a GP, or you can self-refer to the Physio Department at Falmouth Hospital, click here to find out more about either option

Sexual Health
Brook run sexual health clinics. Visit sexual health services in Cornwall
They offer a wide range of confidential services including STI testing, treatment, contraception (including long-acting and emergency), pregnancy testing, and specialist young people’s services.
They also offer postal STI testing and treatment through their digital partner, SH:24.
You can also phone 0300 303 0714 for more information or to book an appointment.

Stop Smoking
If you are thinking of giving up smoking, there is a lot of help available now. There are a number of treatment options which may help you stop.
You're four times more likely to quit with NHS help.
Visit to refer direct to an adviser
Alternatively, ring 01209 615600
For more information on smoking cessation go to Go Smoke Free